Happy Mother’s Day!

It is such a blessing and privilege to be called Mummy, Mum, Ma, Mother, or Maama! Let`s not take any of these titles for granted. I have come to realize that it is God – given and should be taken with gratitude and with the seriousness it deserves.

Let us join the rest of the world and celebrate all the mothers on planet earth, every single day of our lives. Being a mother is a full-time job that has no holiday, until one departs this physical world. It is also possible that it continues into the next life! Our Infinite Intelligence, Divine Source or God, crafted motherhood in such a way that human beings become real through mothers. The late President Mugabe of Zimbabwe once asked a gathering of many world leaders, ‘Which of you was not born of a woman?’

If at first you don’t succeed, try doing it the way mum told you to in the beginning.

God gave me the privilege of having a mother who I always thought and knew was larger than life and, in my mind, would always be there. She was love itself and all its trimmings. She bravely and physically pushed nine of us from her womb, and loved each of us in equal measure. She also mothered many who were not her biological children. We loved her just as much, though sometimes I feel we could have done more. She taught us love, kindness, forgiveness, selflessness, hard work, respect for others, patience and prayer. Then one day 4 years ago, God assigned her other duties in heaven. We will forever be grateful for the life she shared with us – Maama RIP.

Friends, if you still have a mother in your life, do be grateful to God. Spend as much quality time as you can with her. Love her and tell her because it makes her feel appreciated. 

MeTimeKit; Mother’s day edition
A Me Time kit curated for all our amazing mothers. The perfect way to show her some love.

Available for a limited time only.

However old she is, your mother she remains! Whether she is illiterate or not, rich or poor, your mother she remains! Remember one day she may not be there. We should be present enough with our loved ones, for as long as we possibly can.

For those who are mothers, just remember that it is the best thing that ever happened to you. With God`s infinite wisdom, we bring forth life and it is the biggest gift that we give to the world. As mothers, we can be influencers and we can change the world if we play our role in the best way possible. This is why we should continue to take charge of our responsibilities as mothers and as children we should endeavor to do the same. In that way, we can bring forth and also become only desirable citizens of the world.

A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take.

Cardinall Meymillod

A mother is LOVE and whatever she does or gives is with love. It is said in the holy book that God is love. It then means that a mother has God within her. This kind of association implies she is empowered with authority and responsibility to pass on this love to her children, biological or not. We know many people who have been ‘mothered’ by women who are not their biological mothers. One great author, Victor Frankel wrote ‘…. love is the highest goal to which man can aspire’. My mentor, Paul Martnelli told me that `Love is the ultimate Law of the Universe’.

As we celebrate Mothers ‘day, I send thoughts of love, peace, kindness, happiness, harmony, prosperity, great health and long life to all the MOTHERS in the world. Our dear mothers, thank you for all you do, give and what you are to all of us! BLESSINGS!!

Jane. K

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